
Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New Curriculum compliance

There have been some lively discussions about the new curriculum for Key Stage 2 on the Primary Linguanet forum over the last few days.  I mentioned that over the summer I had gone through my scheme of work for KS2 Spanish and added or edited many units to make the whole scheme more "new curriculum compliant".  People have asked to see my alterations, and, rather than send the document to lots of people individually, I am going to reproduce the alterations here.  You will need to look at the alterations alongside the existing schemes of work which can be found here.

Songs, stories and rhymes
To add/amend
Can do
Storybird ¿Cómo te llamas?

Hola Hola
(Singing Spanish)
Latin greetings and saying name, male and female names, compare to Spanish
I can
·          Greet others in Spanish
·          Reply to the question ¿cómo te llamas?
·          Ask someone else what their name is
·          Identify boys’ names and girls’ names in Spanish

Speaking: board game or pair game where chn help each other to practise and use spontaneous talk phrases such as Me toca
I can
·          Ask someone how they are feeling
·          Tell someone how I am feeling
·          Take part in a short dialogue with a friend
Vamos a contar
Uno, dos, tres

Uno, dos y tres gatitos

a-a-a Gran Canaria

Speaking: Number survey.  Give each chn a number between 1 and 15
¿Qué número tienes? Tengo …
Leading to writing “Abbie tiene dos”
Plus practises por favor and gracias

Latin numbers as root for Spanish ones
I can
·          Count from 0-15
·          Use the numbers 0-15 out of sequence
·          Do simple calculations in Spanish
·          Carry out a survey about numbers with my classmates
·          Make the correct Spanish vowel sounds
·          Identify words containing the /th/, /b/ and /kw/ sounds
Vamos a contar
Storybird ¿Cuántos años tienes?
“Write back” game (JTJ p11)

Speaking (and reading): role play – put the dialogue in the right order and then act it out

I can
·          Ask someone how old they are
·          Say how old I am
·          Take part in a role play about saying my name, saying my age, and saying how I feel

Los colores (Anthology p35)

Hombre de color

Speaking: Survey ¿Cuál es tu color preferido?
I can
·          Say 11 colours in Spanish
·          Understand 11 colours in Spanish
·          Ask someone what colour something is
·          Ask someone what their favourite colour is
·          Take part in a poem about colours
En mi estuche

Speaking: pair game with small cards ¿Qué es eso?  Sí, es …. / no, no es…, provide crib sheet for support
I can:
·          Say 6 classroom objects
·          Understand 6 classroom objects
·          Answer the question ¿Qué es eso?
·          Use the Spanish words for Yes and No
En mi estuche
¿Qué veo?
Latin nouns of unspecific topic to demonstrate origin of gender

Speaking/dictionary work: multiple choice (of 3) to find out the word for object shown by picture.  Then work with partner, pointing at a picture and saying ¿Qué es eso?  Es un(a)….
I can
·          Put words in alphabetical order
·          Use a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning of a word
·          Use a bilingual dictionary to find out the gender of a word
·          Identify the gender of a word by looking at its final letter and/or its indefinite article
Frutas y verduras

Speaking: shopping lists and market –role play.  Pick up 3 pictures to be the shopping list, simple role play with partner using por favor, gracias, ¿qué quieres? Aquí tienes
I can:
·          Say 6 fruits
·          Understand 6 fruits
·          Say 6 vegetables
·          Understand 6 vegetables
·          Indentify the gender a word and whether it is singular or plural
·          Take part in a role play where I buy fruit and vegetables in a market
Frutas y verduras

Speaking: food and opinions survey. Report back in writing “Matthew dice “Me gustan las naranjas”

Speaking: Trapdoor activity to practise foods and opinions

Summative task: replace lily-pad writing with opinions of food plus connectives which can then be a speaking presentation
I can:
·          Use Me gusta(n), No me gusta(n), Me encanta(n) and Prefiero to express my opinions
·          Ask someone else what they like
·          Write a short paragraph about my opinions of foods, using connectives to link the sentences
Las formas

(Speaking in this unit OK)
I can:
·          Join in with descriptions of flags using colours and shapes
·          Use actions to help me to speak accurately
·          Say what colours a certain flag has
·          Say what shapes a certain flag has
¿A qué fecha estamos?
La Oruga muy hambrienta – Eric Carle

“Monday is lunes” song

“Hoy es lunes” (Eric Carle)

Speaking: ¿Te gusta el lunes? Me gusta / No me gusta
I can:
·          Say the days of the week
·          Understand the days of the week
·          Say which days of the week I like and don’t like
·          Join in with the repeated sections of La Oruga Hambrienta
·          Use a bilingual dictionary to help me to adapt a story
¿A qué fecha estamos?

Speaking: Use shapes from Unit 7.  Chn count shapes in each question and write in the numbers.  Spend 2 mins memorising. Then partner quizzes them to see how much they can remember
Sí, eso es / No, eso no es
I can:
·          Count from 16-31
·          Use the numbers 16-31 out of sequence
·          Form simple plurals
¿A qué fecha estamos?
El rap de los meses
Speaking: ¿Te gusta + month? Me gusta / no me gusta

Speaking: survey - ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
I can:
·          Say the months of the year
·          Understand the months of the year
·          Talk about some Spanish fiestas
·          Say which months I like and don’t like
·          Ask someone when their birthday is
·          Say in which month my birthday is
¿A qué fecha estamos?
Dates and Christmas celebrations mini-book
Speaking: presentation with name, age, birthday, me gusta plus day of week, favourite colour
I can:
·          Write dates in Spanish, using a day, a number and a month
·          Speak to others about my, my name, my age, my birthday, some things I like and my favourite colour
Descubrimos los animales
Cabeza, hombros, manos, pies

El monstruo
Mi cara redondita (Anthology p7)
I can:
·          Say the parts of the head and face
·          Understand the parts of the head and face
·          Describe the parts of the head and face using colours and adjectives of size and shape
·          Write descriptive sentences using correct word order
·          Form simple plurals
Descubrimos los animales

El bicho de las frutas
I can:
·          Say some parts of the body
·          Understand some parts of the body
·          Identify a cognate or “shared word”
·          Say correctly sounds in Spanish that make it different to English
Descubrimos los animales

Muuu Beee así fue

Vengan a ver mi granja
Cinco ratoncitos (Anthology p21)

Speaking: animal sounds - ¿qué dice un…? / ¿Es un…? Sí / no in pairs
I can:
·          Say some animal words
·          Understand some animal words
·          Describe some animals using colours and adjectives of size and shape
·          Write a description of an animal using connectives and the verb forms es and tiene
·          Use my phonic knowledge to work out some animal sounds in Spanish
Mi familia y yo
Los colores
Latin – family members

Speaking: Presentando a la familia role play (SSAKS2 p28)

Formal writing based on book Los colores (with additional members of the family)
I can:
·          Say some members of the family
·          Understand some members of the family
·          Say the name and age of a member of the family
·          Describe family members, agreeing adjectives correctly
·          Adapt a text to create something new
·          Take part in a role play about members of the family
Mi familia y yo
El rábano gigante
Speaking OK in this unit
I can:
·          Take part in a story about family, using actions to help me remember the repeated elements of the story
Mis mascotas

Speaking: Trapdoor activity with names, numbers and pets

(Plus exisiting Battleships game)
I can:
·          Say 9 pet words
·          Understand 9 pet words
·          Use my knowledge of English and cognates (shared words) to work out the meaning of new Spanish words
·          Use my knowledge of phonics to decode names of pets
·          Say what pets I have and don’t have
·          Say what my pet’s name is
·          Write sentences about the pet that someone has and its name
·          Form plurals of pet words
Me encantan los deportes
Media texts re Olympics
Speaking: help each other switch between definite and indefinite articles

Writing: Showdown to practise agreements

Writing – change kit description from models to images in suitcase and lines underneath for writing
I can:
·          Identify the gender of a noun
·          Identify singular and plural nouns
·          Apply correct definite articles to nouns
·          Apply correct indefinite articles to nouns
·          Use a bilingual dictionary to find new vocabulary
·          Identify key words and facts in a text
·          Describe sports kit using correct adjectival agreement and word order
Me encantan los deportes
Como me gusta el fútbol
El deporte al revés (Anthology p36)

Adverbs muy bien, bien, mal
Plus formation of regular adverbs by adding –mente

Speaking: Survey - ¿juegas al… / practicas el/la…?  Then report back in writing

Speaking: Presentation about self and sports
I can:
·          Say 14 sports
·          Understand 14 sports
·          Say that I play or do 14 sports using Juego al… and Practico el/la…
·          Ask someone else what sports they do
·          Use adverbs to say how well I do certain sports
·          Make sentences negative using no
·          Express my opinions about different sports

¿Qué tiempo hace?
¿Qué tiempo hace?
La pequeña araña (Anthology p27)

Latin weather words

Speaking: JTJ Weather reporters game, but change places to compass points.  This scaffolds the writing on own maps

Writing: For own forecasting map, give outline and symbols
I can:
·          Say 10 weather phrases
·          Understand 10 weather phrases
·          Say what the weather is like in different parts of a country using points of the compass
·          Ask what the weather is like
·          Give a simple weather forecast
·          Find out information about the regions of Spain and their weather
Números grandes

Showdown to practise four figure numbers – years of birth of famous people (different groups will require different support)
I can:
·          Count from 31 to 100
·          Count in 100s to 1000
·          Use numbers 31-1000 out of sequence
·          Write numbers between 31 and 1000 in words
·          Say prices in Euros and cents
·          Write prices in Euros and cents
·          Write distances between Spanish cities, reading values from a table
¿Qué hora es?
¿Qué hora es?
Speaking: Quiz Quiz Trade

(in addition to existing speaking where chn help each other to practise with small clocks)
I can:
·          Say times on the hour
·          Write times on the hour
·          Say times on the half hour
·          Write times on the half hour
·          Say ¼ past and ¼ to times
·          Write ¼ past and ¼ to times
·          Say the time every 5 minutes
·          Write the time every 5 minutes
·          Ask someone else what the time is
Yo soy músico
Yo soy músico

I can:
·          Identify genres of music when I listen to them
·          Say why I like or don’t like different genres of music
·          Give reasons why I like or don’t like different genres of music, using adjectives
Yo soy músico

Add sé tocar… / ¿sabes tocar…?
I can:
·          Take part in a song about musical instruments
·          Use my knowledge of English and cognates (shared words) to identify the names of musical instruments
En mi pueblo

Writing: change map for Triarama

Speaking: use grid and co-ordinates to help each other to practise (Battleships?)
I can:
·          Name at least 10 places in town
·          Say what there is and what there isn’t in a town, using hay and no hay
·          Describe places using pequeño and grande
·          Write a short text using connectives and hay / no hay to describe what is in a town
En mi pueblo

Vamos a cantar (Diez Deditos) (lots of infinitives)

Speaking: Trapdoor activity for places and verbs
I can:
·          Identify an infinitive
·          Find infinitives in the bilingual dictionary
·          Say what you can do in a place using se puede and infinitives
·          Write a short paragraph saying what places are in a town and what you can do there
En mi pueblo

Speaking: Survey - ¿cómo vas al colegio? Speaking which can report back in writing

Speaking: Trapdoor activity for verbs, places and transports
I can:
·          Say the 6 parts of the verb IR
·          Understand the 6 parts of the verb IR
·          Say where in town I or someone else is going using the verb IR, al and a la
·          Ask someone else how they go to school
Then and Now

Speaking: Trapdoor activity for structures
I can:
·          Use hay, es and está to talk about what somewhere is like now
·          Use había, era and estaba to talk about what a place used to be like
·          Use no to make negative sentences
·          Describe masculine, feminine, singular and plural nouns correctly
·          Identify the main points in a text about a town
·          Use time phrases to enhance my writing
Los Planetas
Los Planetas
Speaking OK in this unit
I can:
·          Say the 9 planet names
·          Say the 9 planets in the right order
·          Say sentences describing the planets, using actions to help me remember
·          Write sentences describing the planets
·          Say how near or far planets are to the sun
·          Find out information about the planets by working out numbers up to 999,999 which are presented in words